Keto Green Lemon Smoothy


I've been on a therapeutic gut healing diet for the past few years. That basically means that gluten, wheat, dairy (except butter/ ghee), processed oils, sugars, flours and refined foods aren't able to pass through my lips. I'm on a REAL food diet where I'm using food as my medicine. However because my diet is pretty restricted at the moment...I'm not even allowed fruit except for the very, very occasional organic berry, I find myself missing the foods I used to love making and eating from previous years. I especially miss my refreshing, nutrient packed green smoothies. The problem with most regular smoothies is that they are predominantly fruit based = loaded with SUGAR! So they're out of the picture for me. 

So I decided to develop a smoothy recipe where I could actually drink it and enjoy it and not feel like I was missing out whatsoever. This sugar-free green lemon detox smoothy is so delicious and there are so many different variations you can do.


  • 1 avocado

  • 1 cucumber

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 3-4 cups organic baby spinach leaves (you can lightly steam this if you have oxalate issues)

  • 1 cup of coconut water kefir

  • 1/2 cup coconut yoghurt

  • 1/2 - 1 Tbsp brain octane oil (MCT oil) please start with 2 tsp if you've never had this before as it is powerful

  • 2-3 Tbsp collagen powder

  • Filtered water

  • 1 cup ice

  • Liquid stevia to taste

  • I'll also put 2-3 drops of food grade lemon essential oil in to take it to the next level! (optional)


1. Add all ingredients except the filtered water to a blender and blitz until evenly combined, smooth and creamy.
2. Depending on how thick you like your smoothy now add some water to the mix and re-blend it until you reach your desired consistency. 
3. Pour into glasses and enjoy! 

Keto Green Lemon Smoothy