Fermented Papaya & Mango


If you're on a low carb, Ketogenic or sugar free diet and you find yourself missing different types of yummy summer fruits such as papaya, mango, pineapple, passionfruit (but you don't miss the sugar), then I've got the best solution for you!!! Just ferment them! I've been fermenting my fruits for years now as adding beneficial bacteria to them in the way of coconut yoghurt or coconut water kefir removes all the sugar in the fruit. How you ask? The good bacteria in the cultures feeds on all the sugars and removes them, leaving a sugar-free version of the fruit + it'll be enhanced because it's now rich in probiotics, enzymes, bio-available nutrients and minerals + so it's much gentler on your gut. You can read more about fermentation in my blog here, or simply follow the recipe below.


  • 1/2 large, ripe papaya, chopped (skin and seeds removed)

  • 4 ripe mangoes, chopped (skin and seed removed)

  • Coconut water kefir to cover the fruit


1. Chop the fruit and add them to a large glass jar. You can either separate the fruits so they’re in individual jars or mix them together.
2. Pour just enough coconut water kefir over the top of the papaya and mango so they're completely covered. 
3. Close the lid and place them onto a shelf in your pantry, or leave on your kitchen bench. Allow the fruit to ferment for 24 hours. Please note in winter they may need slightly longer and in Summer they may ferment quicker, so always taste along the way so you know when they are ready. 
4. When the fruit has fermented to your liking, either store them in the fridge to add to your smoothie, coconut yoghurt or chia pudding through out the week. Or add the fermented fruit + the liquid and pop it into a container and freeze. The you can make my Sunshine Smoothy Bowl or Probiotic Mango Sorbet recipes.


For more cultured fruit recipes see;