"Healing starts with education"
Blog Archive
- Additives 4
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- Fats 5
- Fermented Foods 3
- Fertility 1
- Gluten 1
- Gut Health 14
- Hair Care 3
- Headaches and Migraines 1
- Immunity 5
- Kids and Babies 1
- Liver 4
- Low-Tox 7
- Organic Produce 4
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- Recipes 8
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- Supplements 10
- Travel Tips 1
- Vitamins 6
- Water Filters 2
When it comes to my summer staples, I like to keep things low-tox and additive-free. Whether it’s sunscreen, bug spray, skincare or snacks, I’m all about finding products that nourish and protect without unnecessary nasties. Here are my go-to essentials for a happy, healthy summer season.
Whether you’re reading a health and wellness blog or browsing the shelves of your local health food store, you have likely come across collagen and gelatin. Collagen and gelatin are sourced from collagen-rich animal products and boast impressive gut-healing properties and numerous health benefits. Understanding their unique characteristics and how you can add them to your diet can help you make better choices for your well-being.
If you’d love to start embracing your natural hair texture and bring your curls back to life, I hope this blog gives you the nudge!
As the temperature drops and the days become shorter, we find ourselves at the beginning of the winter season. And, with the season's arrival, it's more important than ever to strengthen our immune systems and protect ourselves from cold-related illnesses and ailments.
Navigating all the non-tox, low-tox and safe cookware options on the market can feel overwhelming! Often products are marketed as safe but, in fact, can contribute to the toxic load in our bodies and cause health issues over time.
Water: It makes up 71% of our planet and up to 60% of our bodies. We all know that water is essential for our health and well-being. But what’s not widely known is that water needs to be filtered to ensure it doesn’t contain harmful pollutants — even when it’s coming out of a tap.
Whether consumed in whole or via a supplement, beef liver is incredibly beneficial for your skin, hair and nails. Let me show you why!
Back in October, I created an Instagram post all about sunscreen — the good, the bad, and the ugly. With the NZ and Australia weather heating up, I wanted to turn this post into a free guide to help you feel safer and more confident in your low-tox summer! Introducing my latest blog post: Best Non-Toxic Sunscreen Swaps: Safe for Our Health, Skin, & Oceans! I lay it all out for us, including research on the harmful effects of popular sunscreen brands, which brands to toss out of your beach bag, and healthier swaps to grab instead!
At the risk of sounding redundant to long-time followers, liver is the PERFECT food! It contains an unmatched amount of nutrition that is oh-so-good for you! Yet, despite being rich in nutrients, there are misconceptions about eating liver….
With this article, I hope to arm you with the knowledge to make the healthiest choice for YOU. Let’s start by looking at the ingredients in some of the most popular protein powders on the market right now.
The quality and quantity of protein is critical to our health, so you need to ensure you are choosing the right one. With so many options (and ingredients), it can feel overwhelming and very confusing. I am here to shed some light on the topic and help you select the option that is best for you.
I’ve rounded up some of my favourite additive free food products that I used over and over again in 2020
You may hear that it’s the worst thing you could eat because it’s processed and contains mycotoxins. Or you may hear it’s the best at boosting energy levels, immunity and is the most natural food supplement out there. If you’re confused at whether or not nutritional yeast is actually good for you, I totally understand!
You’ll nearly always find a pot of broth on the go in my kitchen. It’s something I use everyday to braise vegetables, cook rice or other grains in to make it more gut friendly, add it to sauces, gravies, or use as the base of soups, stews and curries. A long day often ends with a warm mug of bone broth in hand, gently seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper. It’s my prime tool for optimum nutrition and is often the first thing I teach my clients about because I love all the amazing things it does for your body.
Our body is a fat machine! All our cells have fat, our brain is made up of 60% fat, and we carry fats in our bloodstream to make hormones, vitamin D, and other important communicators. Fat is also an important source of energy and fuel for our bodies. Fat is so very important for our health that you have to wonder why it has ever become a dirty word.
Up until recently, I didn’t know that most collagen supplements on the market come from Brazil (if the label doesn’t identify the source, it’s most likely coming from Brazil). Despite their claims of being "grass fed", my findings revealed that their products are actually made from a blend of grass fed + grain fed cattle.
Some call it bone broth, I call it liquid gold. And it’s the ultimate food when it comes to improving health, immunity, digestion and fertility in every aspect -- from preconception to conception to pregnancy as well as postpartum.
For many of you, getting glutened may be your single biggest fear (it’s mine too), especially if you’re celiac, gluten-sensitive or have an autoimmune disease. As a gluten sensitive individual, I can confirm that getting glutened is definitely NOT fun.
Did you know that worldwide, coffee is the second most consumed beverage to water? Drinking coffee has long been demonised as an unhealthy habit, but research shows that there are actually many health benefits to drinking coffee.
What if you could hack your white rice to decrease its glycemic index, increase its health benefits and make it more gut friendly + easier to digest?
Every week I seem to learn something new that infuriates me. For example; did you know that most vitamin B1 supplements are made from derivatives of coal tar? That you can actually extract iron from iron fortified foods with a magnet? That ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is made by reacting high fructose corn syrup with sulfuric acid?
Babies are born with enough iron stores to last through to six months of age. The low drop off in iron stores at six months has previously been the main reason for the recommendation to introduce an iron fortified baby rice cereal as one of baby’s foods because breast milk has very low amounts of iron.
There are many different ways you can boost your immune system, but knowing which ones are best can feel a little overwhelming. But don’t be discouraged! Even small changes can make a big impact on your immune system. You can start with any of the following tips in this blog post.
By focusing on incorporating the following foods into your diet, they will help boost your immune system, re-balance candida and restore balance to your gut.
I have personally been using CBD oil (from Hemp4Health) for a number of years now and have truly found it helpful for so many different reasons. I know a lot of you are curious to learn more about this mysterious oil, so I have interviewed Matt & Kim, the founders of Hemp 4 Health, to help break down CBD and what we know about it.
Parasites can range from tiny organisms, visible only by microscope to long tapeworms (several metres long). Because parasites come in many different shapes and sizes, they can cause a broad and diverse range of health symptoms. For example; some parasites can steal the nutrients in your food, leaving you hungry and tired after every meal, others feed off of your red blood cells, causing anemia.
Many of us run into problems with slow growth, excessive shedding, thin hair, dullness, frizziness, dandruff, sensitive scalps and more. So let’s go through some of the most common causes.
Do you feel tired all the time, experience bloating, fluid retention, CRAVE sugar, get break outs, have digestive issues, UTI's or thrush? Keep reading to find out even more symptoms related to a candida overgrowth + 13 Natural anti-candida foods.
Creating a low-tox space, be it your living area, office or bedroom is such a beautiful gift you can give yourself. Earlier this year, Roy and I moved house and we decided we wanted to make our new home into our very own ‘low-tox’ bubble. But, unless all your furniture, paint, carpet and flooring are all organic, eco-friendly and pure, chances are there is some moderate to substantial off-gassing going on.
Switching to low-tox personal care can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! If you're feeling a little lost, here are my top tips to help make the process simpler and stress-free.