No Waste Cauliflower & Pumpkin Soup


This is a super easy and delicious lower carb mixed veggie soup. I’ve been making this recipe almost weekly in these cooler months because it’s super delicious, warming and it makes a HUGE batch so I often freeze half of it to eat the following week. I also love this recipe because you can use certain parts of the veggies that a lot of people normally throw away, like broccoli stems and the cauliflower stems and leaves.


  • 1 cauliflower, leaves and all (if spray free or organic)

  • 1/4 - 1/3 large pumpkin

  • 1-2 broccoli stems

  • 1 leek

  • 1 onion

  • 1L of homemade bone broth, veggie stock or 2 Tbsp GevityRx Bone Broth mixed with hot water

  • 4 Tbsp ghee or butter

  • 1/2 can coconut milk or cream

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Coconut yoghurt to serve

  • If you want to take the flavour to the next level, add a spoon or two of a good quality red or yellow thai curry paste (optional)


  1. Chop the onion and leek up (save the green tops and add to bone broth, a green soup or puree or slow cooked dish).

  2. Heat a large soup pot and add 2 Tbsp of ghee or butter. Add the onion and leek and sauté until golden brown.

  3. Get rid of any large woody outer leaves from the cauliflower. Chop the cauliflower up + the stalk and smaller leaves (just make sure it’s free of dirt).

  4. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin and remove the skin. Chop the pumpkin up into rough cubes.
    Trim off any woody bits on the broccoli stem(s), and roughly chop up. Now add all the veggies into the pot with 2 more Tbsp of butter or ghee. Stir and sauté for a few minutes so the veggies have some colour on them.

  5. Add the broth or veggie stock into the pot, along with the coconut milk or cream in. If you’re choosing to add the curry paste in for an extra flavour bomb, add it in now.

  6. Place the lid on, slightly ajar and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the veggies are completely soft and cooked.

  7. Once it’s ready, blend it. Be careful when you blend it. I’d hate for you to burn yourself with hot soup. Place a clean tea towel over the soup if you’re blending it with a stick blender. Or, if you’re using a regular blender, read up on what your manufacturer has to say about hot liquids, before you splatter hot soup, I would recommend allowing it to cool down until warm before blending. However, if you have a Thermomix, you can blend straight away. I usually blend it in 2 batches (with some extra butter or ghee) and place a tea towel on top of the lid just in case there’s any soup that tries to escape.

  8. Pour into bowls and top with a touch of coconut yoghurt and a sprinkle or salt, pepper and optional chilli flakes.