I have personally been using CBD oil (from Hemp4Health) for a number of years now and have truly found it helpful for so many different reasons. I know a lot of you are curious to learn more about this mysterious oil, so I have interviewed Matt & Kim, the founders of Hemp 4 Health, to help break down CBD and what we know about it.
Read moreAre Parasites Making You Sick?
Parasites can range from tiny organisms, visible only by microscope to long tapeworms (several metres long). Because parasites come in many different shapes and sizes, they can cause a broad and diverse range of health symptoms. For example; some parasites can steal the nutrients in your food, leaving you hungry and tired after every meal, others feed off of your red blood cells, causing anemia.
Read more23 Holistic Hacks for Healthy Hair
Many of us run into problems with slow growth, excessive shedding, thin hair, dullness, frizziness, dandruff, sensitive scalps and more. So let’s go through some of the most common causes.
Read moreWhat is Candida + How to Fight it Naturally Through Food
Do you feel tired all the time, experience bloating, fluid retention, CRAVE sugar, get break outs, have digestive issues, UTI's or thrush? Keep reading to find out even more symptoms related to a candida overgrowth + 13 Natural anti-candida foods.
Read moreHow to Create Your Own ‘Low Tox’ Bedroom Sanctuary
Creating a low-tox space, be it your living area, office or bedroom is such a beautiful gift you can give yourself. Earlier this year, Roy and I moved house and we decided we wanted to make our new home into our very own ‘low-tox’ bubble. But, unless all your furniture, paint, carpet and flooring are all organic, eco-friendly and pure, chances are there is some moderate to substantial off-gassing going on.
Read moreIntermittent Fasting for Gut Health
Most people try intermittent fasting as an effective and sustainable way to lose weight, or to boost their energy levels, reduce hunger or even inflammation. But I actually started intermittent fasting 3 years ago because it can have a really positive impact on your gut health.
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